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Welcome!  For over twenty years, Dan Lee has been helping Christians find their place of impact in God’s plan and start living it right away.

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Most of us feel:

  • insignificant in God’s plan
  • incapable of big impact on the world
  • we have no epic purpose that continues into eternity

But God tells us something entirely different.     Discover:

  • how to have impact beyond your wildest dreams
  • your vital role in God’s eternal plan – even if you aren’t a pastor, missionary, or evangelist

(Click on the icons to do more.)

Dan “has exposed the ‘biggest why’ – the ‘ultimate why’ – the ‘why that trumps all other whys.’”

– Tom Otley, former Senior Vice President, Dale Carnegie

“Dan[‘s] knowledge and gentle guiding with the scriptures is unsurpassed…. Life-altering for our congregation.”

– Dr. Suzanne Castle, Senior Pastor and author of Brim: Creative Overflow in Worship Design

“Dan … has played a key role in adult teaching and shepherding….  Powerful ability to communicate God’s truth … a critical thinker … a gifted writer.”

Dr. E. Andrew Mcquitty, Senior Pastor and author of The Way to Brave: Shaping a David Faith in a Goliath World

Learn more about your enduring purpose. Discover what Life Beyond Heaven is all about. Read free related articles. Dig deeper with supplemental works.

Life Beyond Heaven
Life Beyond Heaven

Life Beyond Heaven

Published in 2018, 182 pages. Life Beyond Heaven invites you on an exhilarating journey through the vibrant, colorful landscape of eternity—a landscape…

The Reckoning
The Reckoning

The Reckoning

Published in 2019, 110 pages.  #1 New Release in Religious Short Fiction! The Reckoning at Christ's Throne is a novelette designed to get…

Life Beyond Heaven – Condensed For Pastors
Life Beyond Heaven – Condensed for Pastors

Life Beyond Heaven – Condensed for Pastors

Published in 2018, 38 pages. Life Beyond Heaven Condensed for Pastors is a significantly pared-down version of the full book. It gets the all…

Recent News and Thoughts

Messages and Happenings

The Meaning Of “Reward According To Work”

The Meaning of “Reward According to Work”

In Rev 22:12 Jesus says to his church: “Behold I come quickly and my reward is with me…

Scripture’s Forgotten Cord

Scripture’s Forgotten Cord

Scripture holds two major threads that are intertwined to create the entire movement of scripture, to weave God’s…

You Are An Eternal Shepherd Of Creation

You Are an Eternal Shepherd of Creation

Do you know your God-given, core, eternal purpose – in other words, why God created you? Scripture answers…

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