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What?  More To Do In Eternity?  I Just Wanna Rest.

What? More to Do in Eternity? I Just Wanna Rest.

I’ve discovered that people who are exceptionally worn out or beaten down from life sometimes aren’t terribly enthused about helping shape the peaceful, brilliant world  of eternity.  There will be a lot of challenges as we transform earth into the place God intended it to be.  Understandably, my worn-out friends just want to rest for a very long time.  But there’s good news.  Rest is a large part of what heaven is about. (Revelation 6:9-10)

Heaven, both as it exists now and as it will exist in eternity as the New Jerusalem (the capital city of the New Earth) will be about recharging – spiritually, emotionally, and mentally.  (We will recharge physically when we shed these aging bodies of flesh we currently occupy; and at the resurrection we will take on new bodies: 1 Corinthians 15:42-44.)  You will have ample time for rest and renewal.  Those in heaven now, even those who were exhausted from the pangs of persecution because of their love of Christ, are recharged and ready to go! (Revelation 6:9 with 20:4-6)

Even if you are weary and in need of lots of recuperation, you can look forward to what comes after you are ready to get moving again.  Jesus has so much in store for us in eternity that is delightful, exciting, and above all significant!

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