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Eternity Is Much More Than An Unending Worship Service

Eternity Is Much More than an Unending Worship Service

“The-eternal-worship-service-in-the-sky” is how John Eldredge, author of Wild at Heart, describes the view of the vast majority of Christians concerning heaven and eternity. It is a view that, unfortunately, disguises our true eternal identity and destiny as Christ followers and saps us of the motivation that should come from that identity and destiny. John’s recent efforts to dispel this common view stand on a solid biblical foundation.

The popular view rests on a very expansive interpretation of a single verse in Revelation, while overlooking more than 900 verses in scripture which give us an alternate view of eternity. According to those 900 verses, we will do much more than worship in song. As fully alive images of God and as children in whom He delights, we will take part in all kinds of activities – from ministering and serving to creating and adventuring. We will worship him with our whole lives and capacities.

In our restored and refined God-likeness, we will be capable of vital impact on the world around us in eternity. If we are faithful to our identify and purpose in Christ now, Christ will trust and empower us to help mold and shepherd his everlasting Kingdom of Light (Dan 9:27, 12:2-3; Jer 23:4, 2Tim 2:12; Rev 2:26)

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