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You Are An Eternal Shepherd Of Creation

You Are an Eternal Shepherd of Creation

Do you know your God-given, core, eternal purpose – in other words, why God created you? Scripture answers the question for us.

But first, let’s look very briefly at what he didn’t create us for: he didn’t create us to see how many of the planet’s resources we could consume trying to create wonderful lives for ourselves. Nor did he create us simply so he could have someone to love or to fellowship with. (I have often heard this – though never from a theologian – and have never seen it supported from scripture.) As our creator and parent, God certainly desires relationship with us, but he reveals a different reason for creating us. (Desire and design-purpose should never be confused. We all desire that our children obey, but [hopefully] none of us brought children into the world simply so we would have someone to obey us.)

God says he formed us to shepherd his creation, all of it (Genesis 1:26-28 – the newer translations that declare his purpose explicitly, with “so that”, correctly render the Hebrew). God expands on our Genesis purpose in Psalm 8:3-6 and Hebrews 2:5-9. His charter for us will reach its true fruition in eternity (Hebrews 2:5-8, Revelation 2:26). We have a potential, eternal destiny of great impact in God’s plan (Luke 16:10-11, 19:11-28). But we must prepare now, train now, practice now – by developing serving hearts – if we want to be entrusted to fulfill that ultimate purpose in eternity.

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