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Num 1 Short Story 10 18 Clip Mask
Num 1 Short Story 10 18 Clip Mask
Num 1 Short Story 10 18 Clip Mask

Published in 2019, 110 pages.  #1 New Release in Religious Short Fiction!

The Reckoning at Christ’s Throne is a novelette designed to get you excited about eternity. In this fictional account (carefully crafted from scriptural references), you’ll take a front row seat to the most important event in your future. If you are already a believer in Jesus, your citizenship in Christ’s coming kingdom is certain. But your role in His kingdom will be determined at His future Judgment Seat. How you will shine forth for Him then (if at all) — as one of His eternal shepherds of creation — will be determined by how you’ve shown for Him now. In this exciting tale, you’ll get a firsthand taste of that thrilling event to come.

“A terrific read and ultimately as convicting as anything I have ever read. Dan has wielded the tools of biblical scholarship to construct this … captivating account.” ~ David Ware, Pastor and creator of “The Template,” a blueprint for full spectrum ministry

“A thought provoking, challenging and ultimately inspiring portrait of the judgement seat of Christ. Written by a theologian with a deep command of the world to come…. Beautifully reflects the revolutionary nature of the Gospel.” ~ Jordan Wolley, President of recruiting, equipping, and sending missionaries

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